Monday, October 3, 2011


The spirit of the occupation is unity and transformation. It showed me upon MY visit me we have not lost our humanity. In the mini communities that have grown everyone’s voice is heard, everyone is looked after and given a forum to speak. It is unfortunate that in an effort to quell this beautiful display of expression the mainstream media has already begun to spin falsehoods against this movement claiming protesters are "economic terrorists”, calling for a “totalitarian government”.  If we truly were for "totalitarian government” we would not be protesting in the first place, we would continue to be complacent and accept our current situation as is. But acceptance in the face of injustice is not an option for us. The people who have gathered here have to be the kindest, most peaceful and giving humans branded as "terrorists” to date. The display of kindness, humanity, and community at these protests is heartwarming. These protests have assembled people of all varying degrees, all different walks of life The people coming together, sharing with each other in these mini communities is something we don't see often and have long been missing from everyday life. The fact that people are willing to leave the comfort of their own homes and share the hard concrete as a place to sleep and as a place to stand together is, to me symbolic of the struggle people all over the world face. Do not be dissuaded from contributing by the medias attempts to discourage you. People have come to learn, to spread awareness. Not all can give articulate responses on the issues we are all facing. The fact the corporate media is only showing those with a harder time being able express and elaborate their view and those whom are still learning to become better informed is an obvious smear attack on the movement. If you can recall back in school when your class rooms would participate in a group reading session and someone had trouble pronouncing a word did we all gather against and ridicule this person? No, we helped them. The people that have gathered here have come to LEARN, they have come to SPEAK and be HEARD and they have come to TEACH one another, TOGETHER. Any attempt to take that away unveils their true intentions and shows the true depravity of the mainstream medias actions.By trying to take away and discourage an individual’s right to express themselves they uproot the roots grown from the seeds of the civil rights movements who came before .But this movement is bigger than the main stream media .They have exposed themselves as enemies of true expression and freedom. Those in power do not want you to be educated, be informed on the world around you. They want you to be passive, submissive, and oblivious. If this were not true we would not see the efforts of the mainstream media to smear, and spread defamatory lies about the people gathering. They are afraid of a well-educated public willing to speak for itself. Each of us unique with our own views have assembled here as individuals to form a collective voice, one that is NOT represented, nor echoed by our elected officials or mainstream media. I encourage you to explore the world around you and continue to question. Hold you fears to the light of curiosity. By understanding our faults we realize our strife and we can find a path to the answers we seek.

Separated we are all unique individuals
Together we are the collective voice
Keep asking, Keep learning, Keep Teaching
Each one, Teach one.

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